But when it comes to being 12, on this planet, not much has changed. And when you were ADHD like I was, it was a bit harder, a bit more awkward.
Read MoreDysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing abilities. Here's my story of living with it and what I've learned to do about it. Be sure to share your strategies for dealing with Dysgraphia and ADHD in the comments at the bottom of the post.
Read MoreI want to get off to a good start this at school so I'm telling my teachers I have ADHD myself instead of my mom talking to them. Here's the note I wrote them -- maybe you can make your own version to explain your strengths and weaknesses to your teacher.
Read MoreI have an ADHD strategy to keep me on track at school called the ONE binder rule. It is my rule for staying organized.
Read MoreStudents will be supported in discovering their own personal interests and learning in the way they learn best.
Read MoreA few days ago, I was interviewed by the #CBC Early Edition radio show. In case you missed it, here's the link.
Read MoreI don’t know about your ADHD brain, but when I make a mistake—mess up my schedule, lose my keys, lock myself out of the car—it’s like these demonic little urchins start a chorus of “Ryan’s an idiot!” in my head. And they don’t let up. I’ll ruminate on that mistake for a long time. My ADHD just locks on the...
Read MoreDon't get me wrong, I can use all the help I can get and I honestly appreciate your good intentions. It just that when you plan things without even asking me what I think, you are hurting me more than helping.
Read MoreReal Answers from Real People who Live with ADHD
We're getting a lot of great questions and answers about ADHD on our Facebook Page and ADHDKidsRock.com blog. From how to parent us kids with ADHD to how to teach us, and support us -- our community is full of great people sharing what they are going through.
Let's make this a regular thing that people can count on from our site. I'm setting up a Question of the Week Post on Facebook and need you -- all of you who are reading this -- to help me come up with the best questions about living with ADHD. I think this could be big -- maybe we can even pull all these great ideas together and make a book that will help even more kids and families. Like "real" answers not some dumb things experts think works for us.
I would especially like questions from kids that are younger than me so I can share some of the things that have helped me. Post your questions here and let's get started!
But rituals are simply symbolic systems created to produce the same result. And these rituals, these once-in-a-while habits will save our bacon every time -- and they are easy to create once we recognize the need. I'm working on using rituals for traveling, making friends, going to sleep and more. Where could rituals work in your life?
Read MoreI hate managing a calendar. Dates. Times. Ugh. But I also dread that “I can’t believe I forgot it” feeling whether it’s a school test or a paper. For some reason, my A.D.D. brain just slips up, forgets and something else takes precedence. I suffered in high school hard. Like the overachiever we can quickly become, I joined the...
Read MoreIn the last few years, school has been way better because I have been working with my parents and school district to get high school credits for doing things I am more interested in. That's right -- I said I'm getting school credit for learning things my way. And it's working. I've picked up extra classes, learned some awesome new skills, and figured out some things I'm good at. ADHD brains do great when it's something we are interested in. It's just how we are wired. Can we change the way we have to work in school for the better?
Read MoreWe are our own worst enemies when it comes to how we view the mistakes we make due to our ADD-addled mind. Enjoy this fun guest post about the ADHD brain by Jeff's mentor, Ryan McRae.
Read MoreSome of you have asked me on my Facebook page whether I like school. It's really hard to like school when you have ADHD. I'm no different - I used to really hate it. Because of my ADHD, I've had years of being bullied by other kids. (I have some brutal stories to tell, and I'll tell them on this blog and in the forum.) It...
Read MoreLife can be hard when you have ADHD, and sometimes it's hard to find things to be grateful for. It's easy not to notice when good things happen. I've had a lot of bad years. Thankfully 2014 was not one of them. This year, I was encouraged to chase what some might call a "pipe dream." But hey, a dream's a dream... so I went...
Read MoreWith School starting up next week, I thought I'd do a post about ADHD and School. How do you deal with the bad days that life is bound to throw at you? I had the worst TOC on the planet (substitute teacher) last term instead of my regular teacher. I've had this woman before. Things just don't go well for me when she's there....
Read MoreHave you ever had the opportunity to do something really cool with someone you really look up to? And then get so excited you just have to tell everyone about it? Here's the story. Just a few days ago I had the opportunity to record a show with Jeff Copper, a respected & well-known ADHD coach on his internet radio program,...
Read MoreI’m 41 years old. I was diagnosed with ADD at 21. Get your abacus. That’s 20 years. In that time I’ve worked in Afghanistan, resident halls, traveled to Australia, South Africa and London, England. I’ve spoken at conferences like the World Domination Summit, and I’ve been a coach and mentor. I’m also bilingual. You see,...
Read MoreAs I write this, we're about to launch ADHD Kids Rock in four days. We're down to the wire. My team is feeling the crunch, preparing to launch something that's been a big dream for a long time. We're feeling a buzz of amazing energy from all the people that have committed their time, money and effort to this project. This week,...
Read MoreEven though ADHD medication can significantly help, it's not necessarily easy to get the right medication and get it to work smoothly for a kid. Here's how it happened for me. It took trying a few different ADHD meds and some scary fails before finding the best fit. Looking back, I realize we could have come up with a medication plan...
Read MoreWhen I was first diagnosed with ADHD, my doctor sat me down and told me something that has stuck with me and helped me realize how I can be productive with my time. He said, having ADHD doesn't make you have less attention than everyone else, it makes you have a LOT more attention. If you can learn to channel all that attention...
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