About to Launch ADHD Kids Rock… Thanks to the team behind it

As I write this, we’re about to launch ADHD Kids Rock in four days.
We’re down to the wire. My team is feeling the crunch, preparing to launch something that’s been a big dream for a long time. We’re feeling a buzz of amazing energy from all the people that have committed their time, money and effort to this project.
This week, I’m heading to the CHADD international conference on ADHD in Chicago, where we’ll launch my new site, ADHD Kids Rock. (http://www.chadd.org/Training-Events/Annual-International-Conference-on-ADH…)
This project I started mere months ago has taken me on an amazing journey. When I was awarded one of three World Domination Summit (WDS) Foundation scholarships in July of 2014, I had so many ideas. It was amazing to win the scholarship and get a chance to make my dream into a reality — to build a resource and a community to support kids with ADHD.
I want to give a big shout-out to Chris Gillibeau and the community I met at the World Domination Summit! If you haven’t heard of the WDS, I highly recommend you check it out here (https://worlddominationsummit.com/).
Big thanks also to Katie, the Executive Director of the WDS Foundation, as well as to the other two WDS Foundation scholarship winners Susan Sullivan and Linda Buchner who have became fast even though I’m just 14 and they are well…grown up. Check out the cool projects they are working right now HERE What an amazing opportunity the foundation has given us to start something meaningful, and learn about following our passion.
Along the way, I’ve been helped by a great team of mentors and professionals including my excellent ADHD mentor & coach Ryan McRae, who volunteered his time to help me figure this project out. (And kick my a**) I also want to thank Charles & Linda Gupton who put together a documentary on ADHD which included me. Your support and encouragement has been epic.
I’ve had a great response from other professionals in the ADHD community, many of whom have agreed to do guest blogs for this site, which I enormously appreciate.
Now that it’s the last weekend before we launch, many of the things I had planned for this website are close to going live. My awesome web developer and designer are planning to put time in over their weekends to make sure everything is finished beautifully (kudos to Andy & Corey), and my mom, business coach Beverlee Rasmussen will also be at her desk all weekend, helping to make sure we’ve got everything organized for the launch. (Thanks, Mom!…no .. THANKS MOM!!!!)
For better or worse, we are going to launch this site in four days. I know that it’s going to grow ’cause at least I’ll be adding to it. But I hope other kids and adults will feel inclined to add to it as well, and that together, we’ll grow it into a meeting place and a resource to help kids with ADHD.
Whether you’re a parent, a kid with ADHD, a teacher or a health professional, if it moves you to add something to the site and help grow this community, I hope you do. There are lots of ways to connect: comment on a blog post, sign up for my emails, share my page with a friend, find me on social media or send me your story. I hope you find a way to leave something for the community. And of course, I hope you take something away with you that will make you glad you found us.

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