
you are not alone!
Welcome to ADHD Kids Rock, a home for all things supporting kids with ADHD.
I say “Everyone is normal. Being abnormal is an illusion”.
I’m Jeff Rasmussen the author and publisher of the site.
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Not alone and not broken.
If you have ADHD you are in good company. Lots of kids have it, adults too. You are not bad and you are not broken. Your brain is wired differently and if you ask me that’s a good thing.
It’s what you do with your cool ADHD brain that matters. Even though you are the kid and they are the adults, we have a lot of power to help them understand what we need to be successful.
I believe if we can help the adults understand us better then they will be more kind, more helpful and you will have a better life.
Hopefully you and your parents will learn some positive strategies from reading my blogs.
I need more kids to write about their experience of having ADHD.
Send me your story!
You Are In Good Company
Ryan McRae ADD Geek (and Jeff's Mentor)
Ryan McRae, Jeff’s ADHD coach, was diagnosed with ADD at 19, helping him understand his talents and struggles in a much deeper way. He currently is a sales associate for a major tech company and a voracious reader and writer. He is a conference addict, a gadget hound and a lover of all things pumpkin. Ryan discovered working with Jeff as his...
Read MoreJeff Rasmussen Founder of ADHD Kids Rock
Age: 18 City: Langley, BC Diagnosed with ADHD in Grade 7 Biggest Dream: I want to change the world for younger kids like me who are punished daily for having ADHD. Fave Class: Mechanics "I've got the plans in my head for a motorized scooter with a gas-powered engine that I'm actually capable of building." ADHD Superpower: "If I'm...
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My name is Brandi Schamber and I am a Teacher/Learning Specialist at Fraser Academy in Vancouver. Fraser Academy is a school that serves children from grades 1 to 12 with language-based learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Many of my students also have ADHD. I am proud to be part of the ADHD Kids Rock Community! Teaching students with ADHD has...
Read MoreBeverlee Rasmussen Team Captain - aka Jeff's mom
Beverlee is Jeff's mom and admits there was a time when she didn't even believe that there was such a thing as ADHD. Being open and putting her kid first has made this mom not only an advocate for Jeff, also an advocate for all kids with ADHD. When your kid wants to change the world, the best thing you can do is say is how can we help....
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