How to Avoid Boredom and Get More From Your Summer

It’s finally Summer, even though the weather may not always feel like it for me here in Langley. While Summer is exciting at first, it can get boring.
While school is out, sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with all my time. I think the worst mistake ADHD Kids can make is letting themselves get bored, unmotivated and depressed over the summer.
With ADHD I need to have a plan to keep myself focused and motivated.
#BoredNotBored: Make a Plan
So I dare you, make a plan. Write out a list of what you like to do, places you want to go or friends you want to hang out with. You can even make a calendar and assign an activity to certain days. This way you have a visual and know what to look forward to!
Here’s some things that I do to fill up my summer days.
1. Work.
I like earning and saving money. Also, I really like doing hands-on and applied work. Even if I am just helping my family with building a shed, it keeps me moving and keeps me learning.
2. Friends.
Summer is the best time to hang out with your friends. A group of my friends gets together every Wednesday and play video games and veg. Its nice to be a couch potato some times so its nice to get comfy and just relax.
3. Sleep.
Get as much sleep as you can because sleep is amazing.
4. Get Some Skills.
Spend some time on some personal development to improve yourself. Do things that you enjoy but still develop some sort of skills.
5. More work.
This one’s worth repeating. You make money and you learn better social skills and how to deal with difficult situations or tasks. I worked part time at a building materials lot and loved ever minute of it. For us people with ADHD, hands on jobs are the best because it keeps us active.
Do something that you love to do but can never really get immersed in due to the time restraints put on by school. Come up with some sort of project that you are passionate about or just lay back and relax. Personally I love being able to stay up till 4 in the morning playing video games. Its summer time and you have nothing but freedom.
Decide to do a class or two. Summer school is a fantastic option to keep your summer productive. Sacrifice your time to get ahead and make your school year as easy as possible. I did 4 classes online during the summer last year and it made a massive difference in my school year. Not having to do socials 10, math, science or planning classes made the year really easy. Give it a shot!
Don’t forget to take advantage of the upsides of summer! If the weather’s good, grab a friend and go outside. Go for a bike ride, or go to the beach and get some ice cream.
I’m sure you love summer just as much as I do, and with a little planning your summer can be just as productive as it is fun!
The break always flies by, so make the most of it!
What’re your favourite ways to stay learning during the summer?

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